Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The birth of another boy!

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him." Pablo Casals

I thought I should maybe write something about the birth of our latest addition before he is old enough to read this himself. (I finally learned how to put up some pictures too). Benjamin Michael was born on December 13th. He weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz. Brett and I arrived at the hospital at 8:00 am for an induction. I was put on the monitors and suprise I was actually in labor all on my own (something I had never experienced). I thought that I would try this one all natural.....and I did it (kinda). I was doing great. They started the pitocin and things were going strong. I could handle it. They turned up the dose, I could handle it. The contractions started coming every 30 seconds, I could handle it. Then they started lasting about 2 minutes each and I thought I might not be able to handle this. I asked the nurse to check how far dialated I was. I was dialated to a 4 when I arrived at the hospital so when she said I was only a 5, I knew I could no longer handle it. I broke down and asked for the epidural.

The doctor came in within minutes and the process was underway. He got the epidural in fairly quickly, but it didn't take effect quick enough. The contractions were right after eachother. I have never felt such pain. The Doc gave me a huge loading dose to try and get things under control. It didn't work and I didn't think I was going to make it. Just then I felt like I had to push. The nurse checked me again and..... I was at a 10 (all within 20 minutes). The nurse had to call the doctor quickly and he rushed down just making it in time to catch the baby. I felt all of it. The epidural doc all the time was trying to get the pain under control. It all took effect about the time the placenta was delivered. I was then completely numb for 6 hours following the delivery.

Any way it would have happened would have been okay. Ben it beautiful. The miricle of life is amazing. I always feel so close to heaven as they place that bundle in my arms. God does love me. He sent me these 4 wonderful boys to take care of and raise. I just hope and pray I don't screw them up to badly.


Damon & Brianne said...

Jodi you are a amazing mom. Your boys are wonderful. I love the pic of then with grandma in the back ground, it is so nice to be able to see pic of you and the rest of the family. I can't wait to see you guys.

Channynba said...

Thanks for the pictures...he is a cute little boy.

The Lund Five said...

I just noticed your link on Mindys blog, so I will add you to my list. Congratulations on everything (graduating from nursing school, the new addition to your family, etc..). He sure is a cute little boy, it would be nice to see him in person. Hope all is going well with you!