Tuesday, December 30, 2008


"To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other's hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time. " Clara Ortega

This year was a fabulous Christmas. The festivities began with our family party at my parents house. Everyone arrived late afternoon. Uncle Stu and family, Auntie Mary, Joni and Laurie with kids (Carlos was in Peru), Lindsay and family, Dale and Maggie, Wendy (no Chad, he had to work and Eddie was with his dad), Jenny and family were all there. This year we had a talent show. Danny who is incredibly talented on the guitar played a few Christmas numbers. Mat joined in on his guitar, along with a few others on the bells. (You never can have too many bells at Christmas- this and all the younger kids wanted to play also). Kiara sang, and Channing played the piano also.It was a night full of fun, food, and games. We ended up leaving late and getting home around 11 pm.

Under the tree at our house some elves had left gifts for the boys. They opened them and surprise........ they were new pajamas. They quickly changed and set up sleeping quarters in the office (it's a tradition my brother and sisters had also, something about being all together, and no one getting up before the other Christmas morning). I had to work a 1 am to 7 am shift so shortly after the kids were in bed I was off to work (I knew going into nursing I would have to work holidays, but it didn't make it any easier). The boys had been complaining for weeks that they couldn't open presents until I came home at about 8 in the morning. I came home and much to my surprise everyone was asleep. It didn't last long however, they were up only minutes after I had come in.

We decided to let Ben sleep while we started to open presents, I figured it was going to be a long day for him. Santa was good to the boys this year. They each got a Nintendo DS (well not Ben of course). They got games to go along with them, wii games, DVDs and other things. Ben woke up when we were almost done opening things. He didn't really want anything to do with opening his gifts, he was just excited to be in the room which for weeks prior had been gated off and off limits to him.

We all got ready for the day and headed off to Scott and Robyns for the Scharman gathering. We always enjoy getting together with the whole family. It was nice to see Carolyn in a setting other then the hospital and I know she was really excited to see all the kids. I love Scott and Robyn for opening their home for us, it was beautifully decorated. They have a very long soft comfy couch. Carolyn had her feet up on one end and Amy (who broke her knee) had her feet up on the other end, and there was still room for Chris, Aubreya, mat and I to sit. The food was wonderful, as always, and the kids always have such a fun time in the huge playroom, indoor gym and theater room.

By the time we got home I had been up for over 36 hrs and I went right to sleep. Brett stayed up and played some of the new games with the boys. I love Christmas and all the fun we have together as a small family and with all the extended family.

The boys in their new jammies, Ben was still asleep.

The boys in their jammies after Ben woke up.

The boys in their face masks, no we are not training them for any illegal activities.

Ben finally awake and happy.

The boys in their new jersey's of their favorite teams.

Nick, Zachary, and Mat on their DS's while Carolyn takes a nap.

Ben and Brooke playing.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Temple Lights.........

"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time." ~Laura Ingalls Wilder

I remember the first time I saw the lights on Temple Square after moving to Utah, it was like nothing I had seen before. I was filled with the Christmas spirit. Every year since that first one I have tried to go downtown to take in that spirit again. Over the years I have gone with friends, church groups, dates, and family. I have to say that the best times have been with my our kids. Its fun to see them excited, everything is so simple when you're young.

Last Monday we went with some friends for Family Home Evening. Its fun to remind the boys that the temple is a sacred place and that they hopefully will all go there someday (now I'm singing the primary song). It was a cold night,but very fun regardless. We ended the night with hot chocolate of course.

This is all the kidos. Only one girl in the group. (even our friends have mostly boys)

The boys. (We didn't want to get Ben out of the stroller because he then wouldn't go back in)

The boys again. (this is taken from the roof at the Joseph Smith Building)

Nick and Ben

Ben all bundled up!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Winter Drive.....Not so much of Winter!

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. ~Jane Howard

Last Sunday we were sitting around a bit bored, and thought we would go for a ride and get a few pictures of the boys in the mountains. We stopped at the "s-curve" in big cottonwood canyon. There is a small waterfall right off the road there and some fun rocks for the boys to play on. The boys played until it got dark and they got cold. I was hoping to see snow but we never made it high enough in the canyon. No one fell in the river or off a rock, and the snow will come soon enough I guess. Anyway, here are a few pictures of the day.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Back to School.....

"The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the teacher, America entrusts her most precious resource, her children; and asks that they be prepared...to face the rigors of individual participation in a democratic society. "

I always loved the end of summer because I knew we would be starting school again soon. I loved going back to meet with friends, the challenge of new classes and new teachers. This excitement always lasted well into the first week then it was over and I couldn't wait for summer to come again.
This year our schedule has changed. Mat has to get up earlier then the other boys to get off to middle school. He is doing well so far. Luckily for him he didn't let my nervousness effect him. To him its the same old stuff just at a new building. So far his favorite class is band. He is playing the trumpet. I know he will continue to do well in school, its the social part and puberty that I worry about at this age.
Drew is in 4th grade. He has already gone on a field trip and another is planned for next week. He has the same teacher that Mat did and its always nice when they are happy to have the younger sibling.
For Nick this year is the start of all day school. The first few days were rough, he would come home a bit crabby. He has gotten the hang of eating lunch at school and loves his class so far.
I now have some free time during the day with all three at school. When Ben takes a nap I feel like I have hurry and get everything done at once.

Here is a picture of Drew and Nick on their first day. (We didn't get one of Mat)
These are just a few cute ones of Ben. He is growing too fast!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.

So I have known for several years now that my body does not process calcium very well. It all started when I was pregnant with Mat and I developed a kidney stone. My Mom and her mom, and my grandpa Foster all have had stones so I thought it was one more health issue I would have to face. The stone was sent for testing and it was a calcium stone (ironically the bump on my forehead is made of calcium also). I had two more stones since then, one when I was pregnant with Drew and one with Nick. The doctor seems to think that they develop when I take prenatal vitamins. So you can imagine my relief when I gave birth to the last baby with no stone in site........ so I thought.

Last week I woke at about 4 am with terrible back pain, the pain I had become much to familiar with. I had some left over Percocet from Ben's birth so I took one and turned on the heating pad and tried to endure through the pain. I didn't want to go to the hospital as I knew they would only give me more pain meds and probably send me home until it passed. I thought that I would save myself the expense of the hospital co-pay and just ride it out. Well that didn't happen. I was in such pain and was throwing up so much that I finally went in (I threw up out of the window of the car on the way to the hospital going 65 mph on the freeway....that's a fun story). A CT scan reveled a kidney stone 3.8 cm (in the world of kidney stones that is very, very big). I met with a urologist who said he would have to surgically remove it. I was admitted to the hospital that day and the stone was removed the next day. He had to place stents in my ureter as there was so much swelling. He also found a hole in the top of my kidney where it kinda exploded due to pressure caused by the stone. I had to spend another night in the hospital so they could give me some iv antibiotics.

I have had the pain of a natural child birth and these stupid stones. The stones are much worse, and you don't get the joy of taking home a cute baby at the end of all the pain.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Weekend Fun..........

Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.

Last weekend we went out to my Parents property to have a bit of fun. Grandpa just got a new four wheeler and the boys were dying to try it out. We always have a great time, but it seems the four wheeler is the new favorite thing. Mat took right to it and was able to drive it well on his own right away. Drew I think was able to sense the power it had and it it took him until the second day to feel okay to go on his own. Nick enjoyed rides from everyone. It was the first all day outdoor activity for Ben. I remembered the sunscreen, but forgot to bring a hat for him. I tried using sunscreen but all it did was give him greasy hair. So being the great scout he is (always be prepared), Grandpa tied one of his handkerchiefs to Ben's head. It really worked good. I couldn't stop laughing at him as he looked o so cute.

Grandma had to get a "biker" shot.
Mat learning from grandpa how to drive the machine up a very steep hill.
"Don't mess with me."
Nick waiting for his turn. He really couldn't get enough.

One more shot of the baby as I couldn't stop myself with the pictures.

Nick taking his turn for a camera shot on the motorbike.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. ~Charles Gordy

The smiles at our house have recently changed! Nick has lost his first tooth. All my boys know that I love to pull out their teeth, I bribe them with everything and anything I can think of for them to let me pull them out. I was sad to find out that Nick let his 5 year old friend pull it out( and just because he asked if he could). I guess I'll have to try a more simple approach with the next tooth. I am so happy I have his mouth and Ben's to still pull. I had to work the night the tooth fairy came, but it was exciting to see him that morning when I got home.

The other smile change in our house is in Mat's mouth. He got braces! I think he looks very handsome with them on. (the cheesy picture below does not capture how good he looks). He was able to pick the colors of the band things they put on and I was a bit surprised he said blue and "pink". I mean I thought that in a house with all boys I would be the only one picking pink things. I think the dental assistant must have sensed my confusion when I asked Mat "are you sure you want pink". She quickly told me that pink is the new black. She said that lots of boys pick pink now a days. Regardless, he looks grown up with them. He looks much to old to be my son, right.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

The 9th of march was a big day for our family. Mat was ordained a deacon, and Ben was Blessed. According to my big life plan for myself this would not have happened. I didn't think that I would have a 12 year old and a new born. But the best thing about life is that God is watching and knows our needs more than we think we know ourselves. It turns out that the way things are happening for our family is better than anything I could have come up with on my own. I love these boys we have be blessed with. I love the age differences, and their unique personalities.
The day was very nice. All of Bretts family was there except Dan who lives in Florida, and Robyn and her family who lives in Canada (and Mexico now), and my whole family was there except my brother Gain and his family. They all were missed. I love the support that was given to Mat as he is growing in the church. He has a wonderful extended family of priesthood holders whose examples he can follow.
We had a wonderful lunch afterwards at Chris and Amy's house (their house is a bit bigger than ours and only live a mile away, we are so glad they moved back to Utah). We had more food than we knew what to do with. It was a wonderful day!

Mat and Ben

Mat in his new Tie, and Ben looking cute (sorry I don't know how to flip this picture)

Ben's shirt matched his eyes.

A bit of a smile!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I can't be that old....

The trick is growing up without growing old. Casey Stengel

My family moved to Utah right before my 7th grade year. It seems like just yesterday. I can remember almost every detail from junior high. I can remember where my locker was, who I sat by in each class, and which boys I had crushes on. Lorece and I had Dr. Pepper and funions (I don't remember how to spell it but its those chips shaped like onion rings) everyday for lunch, boy were we healthy. I remember witnessing my first fight in the halls in which I was paralyzed with fear and almost got hit with the swinging blows. I remember thinking my parents were wierd and didn't know what they were talking about and really did want to make my life hard. I remember trying to be cool, thats right, you know I had big hair and short skirts. I had fringe boots and of course I wore double socks under them. I remember getting in "fights" (not the punching kind) with my friends and making up the next day. I loved almost everything about the whole experience, but would never choose to live it over again.

I say all this becouse last night Mat and I went to the Junior High to sign him up. Thats right, I will soon have a child going to Junior High. I feel old. Mat is a good kid and maybe it is different for boys, but I hope he will come to us with problems and feel free to ask us any questions. (Just like I thought my parents had all the answers, right!) He is very excited. I hope he remembers the little details and loves the experience.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'' Erich Fromm

I know this is a few days late for Valentine's Day, but I had to work that night and things with a baby never go as planned.....

I just wanted to pay tribute to the man I love. Brett is an amazing husband and father. There was something about him the moment we met. I was drawn in by his smile and his laugh. Now it has been almost 14 years since we were married and I love him more today then ever. He is my best friend. I love being with him even if it is just going to get groceries or sitting and watching the news. He is the best man to raise our beautiful boys. I knowing very little of what and how boys think,I know I couldn't do it without him. I am so grateful that we were married in the temple and will be together forever.

These are a few pictures from when we were dating....Look how young we were.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

High-Ho, High-Ho it's off to work I go!

There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. Henry Ford

I can't believe how fast six weeks goes by. It's time to go back to work. I have to say I was a bit nervous, after all I am still learning the profession. I returned back on Sunday night. I only cried a little in the car on the way to the hospital. It's so hard to leave those little ones. I don't know why I was so nervous to leave the baby, after all Brett has always watched the boys after I returned from maternity leave and has always done a wonderful job. None the less its hard. I think part of the reason it was so hard was that I chose to go back after only 6 weeks. I could have taken up to 12 weeks, but with me being so new at the job I didn't want to lose those skills. The night went well and the 12 hours seemed to fly by. I survived without any caffeine too. Those last weeks before I had Ben were miserable and I kinda thought it would similar going back. It really is amazing how much faster I could walk and how much energy I had not being pregnant. I really do love working at the hospital and it's only 2 nights a week so hopefully I can survive.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The birth of another boy!

"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him." Pablo Casals

I thought I should maybe write something about the birth of our latest addition before he is old enough to read this himself. (I finally learned how to put up some pictures too). Benjamin Michael was born on December 13th. He weighed 7 lbs and 11 oz. Brett and I arrived at the hospital at 8:00 am for an induction. I was put on the monitors and suprise I was actually in labor all on my own (something I had never experienced). I thought that I would try this one all natural.....and I did it (kinda). I was doing great. They started the pitocin and things were going strong. I could handle it. They turned up the dose, I could handle it. The contractions started coming every 30 seconds, I could handle it. Then they started lasting about 2 minutes each and I thought I might not be able to handle this. I asked the nurse to check how far dialated I was. I was dialated to a 4 when I arrived at the hospital so when she said I was only a 5, I knew I could no longer handle it. I broke down and asked for the epidural.

The doctor came in within minutes and the process was underway. He got the epidural in fairly quickly, but it didn't take effect quick enough. The contractions were right after eachother. I have never felt such pain. The Doc gave me a huge loading dose to try and get things under control. It didn't work and I didn't think I was going to make it. Just then I felt like I had to push. The nurse checked me again and..... I was at a 10 (all within 20 minutes). The nurse had to call the doctor quickly and he rushed down just making it in time to catch the baby. I felt all of it. The epidural doc all the time was trying to get the pain under control. It all took effect about the time the placenta was delivered. I was then completely numb for 6 hours following the delivery.

Any way it would have happened would have been okay. Ben it beautiful. The miricle of life is amazing. I always feel so close to heaven as they place that bundle in my arms. God does love me. He sent me these 4 wonderful boys to take care of and raise. I just hope and pray I don't screw them up to badly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

"Good things really do come to those that wait."

I have decided to join the world of bloggers. I should say I finally have time to figure it all out. I am a bit slow when it comes to computer skills. Lucky for me my kids have been taught since birth and they can teach me.

I have graduated from Nursing school. I now have some extra time on my hands to do fun things. Fun things like play on the computer.

The Brett Scharman family is complete. After almost 14 years of marriage and almost 3 years of trying, our youngest son was born. He has only been with us for a few short weeks, but he fits right in and does complete us as a family.

For the last 5 years, I have been saying, we will get to that when I finish school, we will go on vacation when I finish school, we will finish the basement when I finish school, I will try harder to lose weight when I finish school, we will get a second car when I finish school, I will pick up my hobbies again when I finish school, I will cook dinner again when I finish school......
I guess you get my point. The title on my blog is "finally", this is because I can now get to all those things and a million more.